本帖最后由 马丁 于 2011-11-16 15:53 编辑
Skydrops,一个完全利用自然能量的氢气球集水装置。当风车转动 (俺脑补:切割磁力线产生电流),电流流经不同导体的界面而致冷 (peltier effect),空气中的水蒸气流经这些冰凉的页片,就会凝结成水珠,顺着那根引流绳流到地面的容器里。那个水桶和绳子可不仅仅是为了固定氢气球用的哈。冷凝水很干净,加上少少过滤装置,在巴西,这个东东一天可以收集50升干净,新鲜的水,50升就是一个饮水机水桶的容量了。
Skydrops is a helium inflated balloon designed to collect water by harnessing Mother Nature’s own energy. Spinning in the wind creates energy used to cool metallic sheets with peltier cells within the balloon. As the air passes through the cooled surface, water begins to condensate, and becomes a liquid before falling through a cable to a reservoir at the ground. Designed to fly uninterrupted for up to 2 months, the Skydrop will be able to create up to 50 liters every day.
Designer: Guilherme Rodrigues & Murilo Gomes