Website Usability Research 【某一个移民网站的实用性调查】(这是个加拿大正规移民机构的官方网站)
Thank you for visiting our site. We would like to know more about you so that we can be sure to bring you the kinds of information and services that you need. Please complete the survey below so that we may have a perspective on your opinions. Thank you for your help. 【非常感谢大家在百忙之中浏览这个帖子~
[15 Questions in Total]
Please tell us about your self:
1: What is your gender?
A. Male【男的】
B. Female【女的】
2. What is your age?
A. under 13 【小于13岁的萌萝莉/正太】
B. 13-17 【介于13~17岁之间的青葱少年/少女】
C. 18-34 【18~34岁,励志与成长的热血时光】
D. 35-49 【35~49,岁,黄金的熟女/熟男们】
E. 50-64 【50~64岁,大叔以上,大爷未满】
F. 65 or older 【大于64岁,但我仍有一颗年轻的❤】
3: How long have been in Canada?
A. less than half year
B. More than half year and less than 2 years
C. More than 2 years and less than 5 years
D. More than 5 years
4. How many hours per day are you on-line?
A. 0-1
B. 2-4
C. 4-6
D. More than 6
5. How did you find out about the site?
A.Followed link from another web page【网页链接,这里就算是板块链接】
B.Was told URL by friend 【朋友推荐,当然签名链接也算哦~】
C.Read about it in newspaper/magazine 【杂志/报纸(肯定没有,因为我们不上报= =)】
D.Other: ___________【其他】 【来自异次元的生物请大胆的想一个吧】
6. Did the menu of items on the home page make sense to you?
A. Yes【有】
B. No (if no, please tell us what your opinion) 【没有,如果方便请帮忙给找个茬。。】
7. Is enough languages supports available for you
A. Yes
B. No【我知道,你需要的是汉语,当然随便提一个第三语言我们很欢迎】
8. How do you feel the website background colors and word fonts?
A.Not comfortable【不合适】
B.Not very comfortable【不太合适】
C.Neutral 【一般】
D.Somewhat comfortable【还成】
9. How do you find information on website for you?
A. Not useful【没有用】【来找茬吧!真心求个茬给我们建议一下】
B. Not very useful【不太有用】
C. Neutral 【一般】
D. Somewhat useful【还成】
E. Useful【很有用】
10. How frequently do you visit this website?
A. First visit
B. Daily
C. Weekly
D. Monthly
E. Infrequently (less than once a month)
11. How many hours per week you spend on this website?
A. 0-1
B. 1-2
C. 2-3
D. 3-4
E. 4-5
F. More than 5
12. How likely are you to recommend this Website?
A.Not at all likely【完全不推荐】【好的,求批评~】
B.Somewhat unlikely【不是很推荐】
C.Neutral 【一般推荐】
D.Somewhat likely【比较推荐】
13. How satisfied overall are you with your experience with this website?
A. Very satisfied 【很满意】
B. Satisfied 【满意】
C. Neutral 【一般】
D. Dissatisfied 【不太满意】
E. Very dissatisfied 【非常满意】【不要大意,随便再找个茬吧!!】
14. What features had influenced your decision to continue using this website?
A. Comfortable typography【排版的舒适度】
B. Limited Color Palette【色彩的搭配】
C. Useful information and resources【信息的实用性】
D. Other: _____________________ 【其他。求填写,这个部分就是请你自由的。。】
15. What changes or additional features would you suggest for this website?
A. Need more language supported【更多的语言支持】
B. Need to add home icon on the page【增添首页按钮】
C. Need to provide more information【提供更多的信息】
D. Other:______________________ 【其他,求填写~这个可以有,这个必须有!!!!!】
1. B
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. B 图片太大. 另外在进入具体页面的时候,请换成小图标,比如说calendar就被挤在左边一半
9. D
12. D
13. B
14. A 在首页roll的那个图片下面有5个数字,结果只有一张图? 另外我认为联系方式应该在about us里面,这样可以更加具体的介绍一下电话时间范围,邮件通常的回复周期等等.
15. C
15 Questions in Total]
Please tell us about your self:
3: D.
4. B.
5. A.
6. A.
7. A.
8. D.
9. D.
10. A.
11. A.
12. D.
13. C.
14. B.
15. more links to useful website