你真要我點破? "你自己没研究透捣乱的kongfu" - 笑死人 S/he 還差的遠呢 (at least 10-15 more years) is s/he is brilliant enough.
Everything is in the chart. Every turning point is just a point that is more possible for the market to reverse - but no guarantee. Everything is just a bet. Why we would bet 06/16/2011? It's where the market hits a square (timexprice). Time: from 03/16 to peak and from peak to 06/16 ... same amount of time. Price: same size of up and then down to that point.
That "... 这次她一吼 ..." was just a speculation on a support/resistance that everyone in the market was looking at. It's not a real kongfu, but it was just a 雕蟲小技. You know that NASDAQ 11/19/2010 high 2593, 03/16/2011 low 2603, and "这次她一吼" 06/16/2011 low 2600 are all in the same area. People know that. There is no need to 將她神格化 !