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[闲谈] One of the Most Enjoyable Things

Tasting good red wine, listening to music, while doing homework (charting).
我看惯了old scottrade 的charting,now they change too new vertion,is hard to see。
看彩云伴海鸥 发表于 2011-6-25 02:20

我看惯了old scottrade 的charting,now they change too new vertion,is hard to see。
Reading a chart is like watching a woman.  I definitely want to read a 美女 (from inside out).  See  ...
snowrider 发表于 2011-6-25 02:16

I don't use any indicator nor any MA.  About 画蜘蛛网, maybe a little bit but not much.  What I really want is to find a tool that can help me draw some very pretty charts.
Reading a chart is like watching a woman.  I definitely want to read a 美女 (from inside out).  See my avatar ... a beautiful candlestick!  That's the first criteria and the most important one that I will see when choosing a charting software ... the chart must be sharp and pretty.
Yes, they all have.   But they have some problem.  Like the IB's intraday charting tool always h ...
snowrider 发表于 2011-6-25 02:09

每个broker不是都有自带的charting tool吗?你要付费的charting service,就有stockcharts.com, qcharts.co ...
tfmegatron 发表于 2011-6-25 02:00

Yes, they all have.   But they have some problem.  Like the IB's intraday charting tool always has some data missing.  Also IMO, those *.com's tools are not professional enough.
每个broker不是都有自带的charting tool吗?你要付费的charting service,就有stockcharts.com, qcharts.com啥的
Hey do you guys trade A share?  I found that there are a lot of good stocks in A share.
why don't you buy a new computer,rightnow is cheap。
看彩云伴海鸥 发表于 2011-6-25 01:53

Now I have 4 computers.  Are you suggesting me to buy an XP again for my TradeStation?  I am using one for that.  Also I configured my Vista to dual boot to either Vista or XP so that I can run TradeStation on that machine.  I installed XL VM on the Win7 too, but TradeStation does not run.  That sucks.  I think that eventually I will need to face the truth to get a new software for the new operating system.
tfmegatron 发表于 2011-6-25 01:51

I agree that 美女 is very important.  子曰食色性也
But 美女 needs to compromise my hobby.
海鸥 - My TradeStation is a very old version working only on XP.  I have 1 XP (getting retire so ...
snowrider 发表于 2011-6-25 01:45

    why don't you buy a new computer,rightnow is cheap。
那你就不懂了!  Reading chart is one of my favorite things to do.  I can sit there whole day and  ...
snowrider 发表于 2011-6-25 01:47
