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[转贴] 1. 温哥华,2。西雅图,3,旧金山 4。洛杉矶。。。

日本核辐射洩漏至美国和加拿大的影响,由空气扩至食水。美国西北部两州前日(周一)证实验出食水含极微量碘 131,是日本核危机爆发以来美国食水首次测到碘 131;加拿大卫生部昨天亦证实西部温哥华市( Vancouver)食水有微量碘 131。

美国环保署发表监测报告指,分别从爱达荷州的博伊西市( Boise)及华盛顿州里奇兰市( Richland)的饮用水样本中发现碘 131,辐射量均约为每升水 0.0074贝可( Bq),属极低水平。该署强调,公众目前毋须担忧,因为以这污染量,一名婴儿要饮用差不多 7,000升这些水,所接触到的辐射量才比得上每天从自然环境中接触到的辐射量。该署预计,今后几周将持续在各地饮用水中发现放射物。

加拿大卫生部昨天亦证实,在福岛洩核事故发生后七天,在西部温哥华市的食水中检测到碘 131含量有所上升,最高升至 3月 20日的每升水 12贝可,但过了九日后,辐射水平已大幅下降至每升水 3.4贝可,远低于加拿大每升水 10贝可的辐射量安全标准。

University of Berkley in California reports that rainwater in San Francisco water has now been detected at levels 18,100% above federal drinking water standards.
This comes despite countless reassurances that no harmful levels of radiation from the Japan nuclear fallout would hit the U.S. from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). infowars.com
Again, with just about all other news of the radiation hitting the U.S., the news is once again reported to the public over a week after it was first detected. infowars.com
Iodine-131 was measured in a rainwater sample taken on the roof of Etcheverry Hall on UC Berkeley campus, March 23, 2011 from 9:06-18:00 PDT. The 3 Liters of rainwater collected contained 134 Becquerels of Iodine for an average of 20.1 Becquerel per liter, which equates to 543 Picocuries per liter. infowars.com
The report however still contains a lie – that there is no radiation in the drinking water – while the original University of Berkeley study clearly detected radiation in the drinking water. blog.alexanderhiggins.com
The University of Berkeley also detected radiation in milk bought off local store shelves and in the drinking water taken from a tap water sample from a sink in Etcheverry Hall, UC Berkeley campus. blog.alexanderhiggins.com
The tap water sample contained 0.024 ± 0.014 Becquerels per liter which is must lower than the latest rainwater samples. Milk samples also contained radiation which again is  lower than the rainwater samples. blog.alexanderhiggins.com
The following are results for tap water samples taken from a sink in Etcheverry Hall, UC Berkeley campus. The only isotope we have detected besides background is I-131, at low significance: 0.024 ± 0.014 Becquerels per liter. This level is much lower than our rain water measurements by a factor of approximately 500, and lower than our milk measurement by a factor of 3. www.nuc.berkeley.edu

Three weeks after the Fukushima nuclear power plant began spewing radiation into the world's air; the U.S. government has still not published any official data on nuclear fallout from the Fukushima meltdown. The amount of iodine-131 or other radioactive elements that have fallen as precipitation or made their way into milk supplies or drinking water has not yet been fully revealed. Scientists say an absence of federal data on the issue is hampering efforts to develop strategies for preventing radioactive isotopes from contaminating the nation's food and water. The Bay Citizen, San Francisco