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[原创] 长期不看好AAPL

想当初我提到不看好GPS的公司, 后来提到不看好RIMM, 现在我觉得如果AAPL的桥不四离开后, 苹果很可能开始步以上公司的后尘. 苹果的策略是有重大失误的.

Android Now Dominant Mobile Phone Operating System

Roughly six months ago, I put up a blog post suggesting Android was going to be the dominant mobile phone operating system and that developers interested in the largest user bases ought to start developing for it in preference to iOS. I got a lot of heat from Apple fanboys for that post and one of the strongest points they made was that we had not yet seen the effect of the Verizon iPhone on market share numbers.

The freight train is android.
江南有丹桔,经冬犹绿林。 岂伊地气暖,自有岁寒心。 可以荐佳客,奈何阻重深。 运命唯所遇,循环不可寻。 徒言树桃李,此木岂无阴。
