ychen222 当前离线
送鲜花 扔鸡蛋 收藏 TOP
Today SPX(top 1874/bottom 1850/close 1860) seems echoing 1872,1848,1860 I mentioned yesterday. ychen222 发表于 2014-3-19 16:04
learner 当前离线
Today SPX high 1873, low 1849, close 1857, almost repeated last Wednesday's story. ychen222 发表于 2014-3-24 16:24
Laoda, what do you think may be next? any update? learner 发表于 2014-3-25 00:43
Although 1848-1860-1872 hints both 1920 and 1800, I still think 1800 would be the target. ychen222 发表于 2014-3-25 09:18
黄金奇异果 当前离线
NASDQA/NDX/RUT have been already near the low targets, while SPX/INDU lag. In this case, I am not ... ychen222 发表于 2014-3-26 20:23
Lao da, what is the target for Nasdaq / Rut? Will they hit the 100 MA? 黄金奇异果 发表于 2014-3-26 20:55
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2014-3-27 14:56
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