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[放炮] aaple


vol 一直萎靡不振
回复 3# deeperblue


江南有丹桔,经冬犹绿林。 岂伊地气暖,自有岁寒心。 可以荐佳客,奈何阻重深。 运命唯所遇,循环不可寻。 徒言树桃李,此木岂无阴。
回复 5# not4weak

apple 6
and ,,,
seekingalpha 上的
•Apple (AAPL) aims to deliver annual dividend hikes going forward, new CFO Luca Maestri states on the CC. With the company's domestic cash balance now at $18B, Apple will once more tap debt markets to help pay for its dividend and freshly-expanded buyback program. (CC live blogs: I, II)
•Tim Cook partly attributes FQ2's soft iPad sales to inventory changes; slowing tablet market growth might also be playing a role. iPad ASP was at $465, up from $440 in FQ1 and and $439 in FQ4 (suggests a mix shift towards the iPad Air).
•Healthy emerging markets demand contributed to iPhone strength - BRIC sales hit a record, thanks in part to China Mobile. iPhone ASP came in at $596 vs. $637 in FQ1 and $577 in FQ4; Maestri suggests a mix shift towards the 4S contributed to the Q/Q drop.
•Cook states Apple has bought 24 companies in the last 18 months - some are known to the public, but not all - and is "on the prowl" for deals. "We look for companies that have great people and great technology and that fit culturally and we don’t have a rule that says we can’t spend a lot or whatever."
•Also: 1) Angela Ahrendts will begin working as Apple's retail chief next week. 2) 20M Apple TVs have now been cumulatively sold. 3) Roughly half of all iPhone buyers and 2/3 of iPad buyers were new customers. 4) There are now nearly 800M iTunes accounts. Will credit cards linked to them be leveraged for a payments service?
•AAPL +7.7% AH. FQ2 results, split announcement, details.