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[绝望] The market will crash as it happened in 1929 or even worse

???? Really scared
Do I need to sell out all stocks?
I am seriously asking!!!
Most of positions are red, do I have to sell them out all now????????
Please advise!!!!!!!!!!
说实话,pump了这么久的股市,还有人要all in long,那不是找死嘛---自己往麻袋里钻,好让人沉河呀。。。
回复 3# jiahui

Sell a little bit everyday! That is what I have been doing to clear up but still losing money!
???? Really scared
Do I need to sell out all stocks?
I am seriously asking!!!
jiahui 发表于 2014-12-12 12:20

After being busy for a whole day, I have a better mood and bought some stocks one min ago... Wish me luck!
After being busy for a whole day, I have a better mood and bought some stocks one min ago... Wish me ...
qzhou3 发表于 2014-12-12 15:58

same here.
回复 9# xixi08

Wish us luck!
本帖最后由 GreatWallchn 于 2014-12-12 17:21 编辑

回复 1# jiahui

    会有correction ,但说1929,有点危言耸听了。目前不具备1929条件。都买了啥呀,会全线爆红。这么多人都在喊减仓,你还全仓做长,太贪婪了。炒股要居危思安,居安思危,现在不是贪婪的时候。
回复 12# zhangamy

Good call
回复 11# GreatWallchn

I am all right, I bought some yesterday and didn't expect the market droped out of my expectation. But what I was fratrusted was, I was supposed to sell them out because I did them on DT, but I didn't sell because I was too busy and just forgot it.
2中可能,Santa rally then piaji
Or piaji then goes up . Either way you will have chance to get out

I mean spy or Iwm , not sure how your individual stock goes .

More Possible Santa rally then piaji