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标题: 澳大利亚研究称世界正面临新一轮生物大灭绝 [打印本页]

作者: peachdream    时间: 2010-9-3 09:02     标题: 澳大利亚研究称世界正面临新一轮生物大灭绝

  据澳大利亚新闻网9月3日消息,澳大利亚麦考瑞大学(Macquarie University)的最新研究显示,世界正面临一次前所未有规模的生物大灭绝,其程度远比恐龙大灭绝糟糕得多。
  阿罗伊表示,尽管这次大灭绝比6500万年前恐龙大灭绝要严重的多,不过却比2.5亿年前的生物大灭绝规模小一些。(国际在线 李杰)
作者: peachdream    时间: 2010-9-3 09:04

"The main implication is that we're really rolling the dice," said John Alroy, a paleobiologist at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. "We don't know which groups will suffer the most, which groups will rebound the most quickly, or which ones will end up with higher or lower long-term equilibrium diversity levels."

What seems certain is that the fate of each animal group will differ greatly, Alroy said.

His analysis, detailed in the Sept. 3 issue of the journal Science, is based on almost 100,000 fossil collections in the Paleobiology Database (PaleoDB).

The findings revealed various examples of diversity shifts, including one that took place in a group of ocean bottom-dwelling bivalves called brachiopods, which are similar to clams and oysters. They dominated the Paleozoic era from 540 million to 250 million years ago, and branched out into new species during two huge adaptive spurts of growth in diversity - each time followed by a big crash.

The brachiopods then reached a low, but steady, equilibrium over the past 250 million years in which there wasn't a surge or a crash in species' numbers, and still live on today as a rare group of marine animals.
作者: hahaling    时间: 2010-9-12 11:10


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