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标题: [居家DIY] 是买电的割草机好还是汽油的好? [打印本页]

作者: Goldmine    时间: 2010-5-15 19:30     标题: 是买电的割草机好还是汽油的好?

本帖最后由 Goldmine 于 2010-5-15 19:06 编辑

我听说汽油的很难启动, 而且对环境也不好, 而无绳(CORDLESS)的过了一年后就不灵了.

另外我也知道SELF PROPELLED比较方便胜利省力. 另外需要能把草切碎做肥料的吗?(MULCHING).


作者: 论坛管理员    时间: 2010-5-15 20:10

i got this:

5 of 8 people found the following review helpful:
2.0 out of 5 stars Some conveniences but lousy at actually cutting the grass, May 1, 2010
By         StrainerBrainer (Seattle,) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Black & Decker MM1800 18-Inch 12 amp Corded Electric Lawn Mower (Lawn & Patio)
I purchased this lawnmower in the interest of being more green and not having the hassle of the gas, oil, fumes, noise, maintenance, and tune-ups of a gas mower. Those are certainly advantages. The B&D is quiet, light, easy to handle, starting is easy, and height adjustment is very convenient. The cord can be a hassle but it's just an adjustment in the "gasoline attitude" and you get used to it. The additional cost of a 100', 12g cord adds another $50-60 to the cost of the mower, plus it is fairly heavy. My biggest problem with this mower is that it just doesn't cut the grass very well. Regardless of what Consumer Reports says, it doesn't provide an even cut. I've found the cutting to be quite uneven. The power just isn't there, which I believe is the main reason for this. The low power doesn't pull the grass up to allow the blade to cut the grass efficiently. Things as basic as dandelions are not cut unless you go over them a few times.

It also takes about 40% longer to cut the grass. The reason for this is that the cutting width is about 10% less than my old gas mower and moving the cord to different outlets takes a few minutes. However, the biggest reason is the mower's lack of power. I have to walk quite a bit more slowly than with the gas mower in order to get it to cut due to its low power. With the gas mower I could walk as fast as I wanted with no problem in it cutting the grass--definitely not so with the B&D.

In summary, while there are conveniences to an electric mower which I really like, it is too under powered to due a decent job cutting the grass. I would probably not buy one again, but would live with the inconveniences of a gas mower.
作者: 牛市熊人    时间: 2010-5-15 23:12

作者: Goldmine    时间: 2010-5-16 10:03

本帖最后由 Goldmine 于 2010-5-16 09:06 编辑

3# 牛市熊人
谢谢老熊, 不过好像HOMEDEPOT没看到CRAFTMAN的牌子, 估计是SEARS?
作者: shee9    时间: 2010-5-19 15:28


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