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标题: [闲谈] 苹果手机逐渐失去中国市场 [打印本页]

作者: not4weak    时间: 2016-9-16 00:21     标题: 苹果手机逐渐失去中国市场

Chatter about the iPhone 7 launch on Chinese microblog Weibo has been far more muted than when the iPhone 6 debuted in 2014. An index of searches on Baidu Inc (NASDAQ:BIDU), China's most popular search engine, shows the new phone lagging both the iPhone 6 and iPhone 5.
Apple's Greater China sales dropped by a third in April-June, albeit after more than doubling a year earlier, while its market share has fallen to around 7.8 percent, placing it fifth behind local rivals Huawei, OPPO and Vivo.
Apple has been slower to adapt, consumers and analysts say: the new iPhone has few major changes to win over fickle shoppers and the firm's marketing has been generic.
"From Steve Jobs to Tim Cook, Apple has never had any marketing strategy tailor-made for China," said Zhou Zhanggui, a Beijing-based strategic consultant.
"Apple risks losing out more if it does not better cater to local demands in its marketing as well as product design."
作者: agreel    时间: 2016-9-16 01:22

9月9日,郑州新郑综合保税区生产的首批165420台、货值1.058亿美元的苹果新型手机iPhone 7经郑州综合保税区出入境检验检疫局(以下简称郑州综保区检验检疫局)检验放行,出区销往国内。这些“还冒着热气儿”的165420台手机,也是首批销往国内的Iphone 7手机。


此前,苹果公司已于北京时间9月8日凌晨1点召开2016苹果秋季新品发布会,揭开了新品手机iphone7和 iPhone7 Plus的神秘面纱。iPhone 7在外观设计上面与iPhone 6s相似,拥有4.7寸和5.5寸两个版本,搭载了A10处理器,后置1200万像素的摄像头,而iPhone 7 Plus搭载双1200万像素摄像头,ROM最低32GB起步,最高为256GB。

作者: 钢铁牛    时间: 2016-9-16 11:28


作者: not4weak    时间: 2016-9-16 11:34

回复 3# 钢铁牛

"fallen to around 7.8 percent, placing it fifth behind local rivals Huawei, OPPO and Vivo"

作者: 秂忢空    时间: 2016-9-16 11:39

你敢short AAPL ?
作者: 钢铁牛    时间: 2016-9-16 11:57

回复  钢铁牛

"fallen to around 7.8 percent, placing it fifth behind local rivals Huawei, OPPO an ...
not4weak 发表于 2016-9-16 11:34


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