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标题: [闲谈] VR 这个东西1998年就有了, 到现在才开始炒做 [打印本页]

作者: not4weak    时间: 2015-1-25 17:33     标题: VR 这个东西1998年就有了, 到现在才开始炒做

Facebook shocked the tech world last March by diving into virtual reality with the $2 billion acquisition of a niche start-up called Oculus VR. Funded initially through a 2012 Kickstarter campaign, Oculus created a slick high-end headset called the Rift that gave game developers—and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg—immersive viewing like nothing they'd ever experienced.

Despite the hype, consumers have yet to see a gaming device from Oculus. When they do, it will likely cost hundreds of dollars and require some technical know-how to operate.

Google, meanwhile, is sending a very different message about VR: It's ready, it's affordable and it's for everyone.

Google's product, unveiled at its developer conference in June, is called Cardboard, and it's exactly that. The concept is shockingly simple. With an Android phone and a few bucks for materials (cardboard, lenses, a magnet, a rubber band and velcro), virtual reality is available to the masses, right now.
作者: wsjboy    时间: 2015-1-25 18:06

作者: sjwi    时间: 2015-1-25 21:33

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