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标题: [闲谈] 丝芙兰大规模封中国顾客账号 [打印本页]

作者: not4weak    时间: 2014-11-16 11:02     标题: 丝芙兰大规模封中国顾客账号

今年的丝芙兰年度促销跟以往不同,今年不仅BI(Beauty Insider)用户被排除在折扣之外,许多年消费在$350以上的VIB和VIB Rouge用户在下单之后惨遭砍单和封号,让许多顾客愤愤不平。而很多证据表明遭到砍单和封号的账号多为中国顾客账号,丝芙兰有意封杀中国顾客的账号。

作者: jialin    时间: 2014-11-16 12:15

应该不是针对中国客户,美国也有同样的问题,估计中国顾客网购得多,所以灾情严重。在consumerist 上面看到的post,今年的年末采购应该不会去sephora ... ousands-every-year/
作者: lisa_maodou    时间: 2014-11-17 01:13

作者: tianfangye    时间: 2014-11-17 01:26

本帖最后由 tianfangye 于 2014-11-17 00:28 编辑
lisa_maodou 发表于 2014-11-17 00:13

看来是这商家的“business AS usual” -- 他们要均匀配货给更多消费者
“Sephora may, in its sole discretion, alter, limit, or modify the VIB Rouge program rules, regulations, benefits, eligibility for membership, or any other feature of the VIB Rouge program or may terminate the VIB Rouge program at any time in its sole discretion, without prior notice.”

It was news to us that beauty superstore Sephora recently debuted a new tier to its customer loyalty program. VIB Rouge is for customers who spend at least $1,000 per year at Sephora stores, because some people manage to do that. Some customers report that they were banned from online purchases for placing too many orders. This seems like a bad idea.

VIB Rouge offers perks like free shipping on all orders, piles of samples, fancy gifts for your birthday and whenever Sephora feels like it, and exclusive events. Sounds very nice…until some of these big-spending customers reported that Sephora cut them off.

Over on the forums at, one poster explained what happened to her:

    Long story short, I just found out last week that I can NOT place any orders online at I kept getting the message that my payment could not be confirmed and my order has been cancelled.

    I called and talked with THREE CS reps in two days and they were NO HELP at all. They kept telling me to read the terms of use.

Those terms of use are pretty clear: membership in the program and your right to place online Sephora orders are pretty much at the whim of Sephora. As a private business with many competitors in the marketplace, that’s their right. Here’s what the loyalty program’s terms of use say:

    Sephora may, in its sole discretion, alter, limit, or modify the VIB Rouge program rules, regulations, benefits, eligibility for membership, or any other feature of the VIB Rouge program or may terminate the VIB Rouge program at any time in its sole discretion, without prior notice.

What kinds of things will get you kicked out of the program? Buying “too many” of a single item, though what constitutes “too many” is rather fuzzy. Is it ten? Three? We wrote about this problem in the past when discussing Macy’s and a reader accused of buying too many lip glosses for any one woman.

How do you place four orders in one day, anyway? One Sephora fan explained that she placed an order for herself, a gift order for her sister, and then another order when a sale item restocked. “Finally, after lying in bed for a few minutes, I suddenly thought of my friend’s daughter who’s a nail polish fanatic and would certainly LOVE some polish for xmas,” she explained. “Hence, the fourth order.”

We contacted Sephora to ask that their policies are and what’s going on here, and haven’t received a response yet. We’ll post an update if they get back to us.
作者: teamomo    时间: 2014-11-17 11:02

作者: sjwi    时间: 2014-11-17 11:25

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