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标题: [原创] 茶叶党让中国外交部朱光照闭嘴! [打印本页]

作者: not4weak    时间: 2013-10-15 21:08     标题: 茶叶党让中国外交部朱光照闭嘴!

lake Farenthold, a Tea Party-backed Texas Republican

“They need to stay out of our politics,” Representative Blake Farenthold, a Tea Party-backed Texas Republican, said in an interview. China’s criticism “almost sounds like a threat,” said Representative Ted Yoho, a Florida Republican. “For them to say something derogatory about the Tea Party, I take offense to that.”
作者: not4weak    时间: 2013-10-15 21:15

The Central Bank of the US is technically bankrupt and by extension so is the US Government (US Citizens) WHO are guaranteeing both sides of the Balance Sheet, Treasuries AND Federal Reserve Notes. FYI - The FED management service (paid 6% on original capital now negative invested capital, who cares right?) only changes the liability mix (Treasuries vs Federal Reserve Notes) of the US Government (US Citizens).

US Citizens, it is time to unite and CUT our losses. Stop this out of control train before it plummets off a cliff! The House "intuitively" understands the consequences. But wow these "leaders (major stretch)" have ZERO clue!

Default, restructure and return to prosperous Capitalism for decades to come! Go GOP House!

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