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标题: [转贴] 中國好聲音 (The Voice of China) 2013-07-26 第二季 - 第三期 [打印本页]

作者: kindle    时间: 2013-7-27 20:46     标题: 中國好聲音 (The Voice of China) 2013-07-26 第二季 - 第三期

作者: kindle    时间: 2013-7-27 21:59


好声音是选声音还是选脑子有瘤? 哈哈。。。
作者: kindle    时间: 2013-7-27 22:01


作者: H_T    时间: 2013-7-29 03:29

male 导师  seriously lagging behind female 导师 in terms of popularity.

Season 1 selection rounds were more entertaining.  This season they don't show the failures too much so there is less drama.
作者: lily987    时间: 2013-7-30 00:42

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