我非常幸运地拥有一个伴侣:布拉德皮特。他是那么爱我,那么支持我。所以,所有有女友或者太太将要经历这一切的男人,你们要知道自己在这个过程里非常重要。布拉德一直呆在我接受治疗的Pink Lotus Breast Center医院里,在手术过程的每一分钟里他都在。我们努力找到可以彼此调笑的片刻时光,我们知道这是为了我们自己的家庭所做的正确的事情,这一切会把我们拉的更近,最后事实也正是如此。
enen, some cancers have very very strong genetic links, like breast or ovarian cancer. In these cases, the physician may recommend surgical removal if the risk is so high like hers. I think she's trying to be responsible for her children by undergoing the procedure.作者: aimei 时间: 2013-5-14 22:11