Morrison International Acco... Comments (135)
I think its just my view of economics, let me explain quickly.
From a supply and demand view, gold is basically the highest demanded by far and the supply is melting, literally, all of the jewelry, teeth, spoons and such into gold and that has held the price low I believe. As it increases it meets a multiple of resistance. I am trying to say that basically if it goes up 10% it will have a much larger correction force (the bringing of more supply I guess) from traders ringing the register and if it went to 11% it would increase even more than the 9%-10% move. But once the gold starts getting hoarded, and it will, the supply multiple will decrease and decrease. The rising of the price causes panic and people buy gold, the last of the un-serious investors ring out and gold will be owned by foreign central banks, financial institutions, the IMF, hedge funds, mutual funds, federal governments, smart state treasuries, large dollar jewelry makers will face a liquidity trap, as banks will freeze lines of credit and those without cash to buy enough to keep their operations at break even through the high price period fall apart. This is just a small theory of mine after watching all the we buy gold people.
Now that is simply one part, part 2 is simply inflation. Gold is very correlated with inflation and the fear of inflation. If either go up than gold takes off. Let the CPI report the actual inflation rate (I think its been about 4% yoy past 4 years) and watch gold take off from 1700 to 2000 overnight. The five largest currencies in the world have basically said they will devalue their currency before you can devalue yours. If one guy wants to devalue his currency it disrupts the valuation of its pairs. America was fast and put a ton of money out there. Now the others are trying to catch up. The fed wants this money to slowly seep back into the real economy from banks balance sheets into growth & acquisition, start up, auto and capital goods loans. These loans have higher risk and that's something banks cannot take with BASEL 3 making all but Wells Fargo worried.
part 3 is about political craziness. I wrote a good comment on that earlier. Please go to my profile and look on my comments for that if you would like.
Thanks, Mike.
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