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标题: [转贴] 明天财报:JP Morgan (JPM) and Wells Fargo (WFC) [打印本页]

作者: cellphone    时间: 2012-10-11 12:22     标题: 明天财报:JP Morgan (JPM) and Wells Fargo (WFC)

本帖最后由 cellphone 于 2012-10-11 11:24 编辑

JP Morgan, Wells Fargo to Lead Off Bank Earnings: Expect Decent Numbers, Great Theater

JP Morgan (JPM) and Wells Fargo (WFC) both report third-quarter earnings tomorrow morning. Barring a calamitous miss, the numbers have seldom mattered less for either company. The focus of the Street will likely be on how each company is handling the pressures being put on them by enforcement agencies. Wells Fargo was charged with mortgage fraud earlier this week. JPM was faced with a similar complaint related to actions at Bear Stearns which JPM purchased during the financial crisis. Adding to pain for JPM, the reported this morning that authorities are building a case against the bank related to the infamous London Whale incident. With the financials having already gained over 20% this year the obvious play is to take profits and wait for the storms to pass.

Simon Baker of Baker Avenue Asset Management says it could pay to stick with the banks, particularly the two reporting on Friday. "JPM Morgan and Wells are probably the soundest of the banks," he says in the attached clip. The housing recovery has likely been a meaningful tailwind for Wells, and JPM's vaunted "fortress balance sheet" isn't going to crumble under lawsuits or whale malfeasance.

The balance sheets are important but Baker is more concerned with the tone of the conference call. JPM CEO Jamie Dimon is known for his blunt, alpha-dog nature when talking to the Street. The last time he was caught off guard in public was on May 10th when the losses in JPM's London offices first came to light. It's not a coincidence that JPM tumbled the next day and started to recover in earnest after Mr. Dimon recaptured his mojo on the July 13th earnings call.

No one thinks the suits will go all the way to the top of either JPM or Wells. The cases are unlikely to even go to trial. The case has long since gone cold on the housing crisis and everyone involved in JPM's trading scandal has been fired or "resigned" already. If the government wanted to push for prison sentences or civil suits on the housing crisis they should have done so in 2010 or even last year. Charges being mulled in public less than a month before the presidential election smacks more of political grandstanding than a quest for justice.

Baker thinks it's too soon to buy the banks but he's hungry for a dip after the reports. Even with how far the stocks have come, the values remain compelling and the headwinds in JPM and Wells' core businesses seem to be easing. The best course of action for tomorrow may be having some cash on hand to buy on a pullback and popcorn ready to munch on during the conference call dramatics.
作者: cellphone    时间: 2012-10-12 01:50

8:30am 就知道了。。。
作者: cellphone    时间: 2012-10-12 01:52

作者: catbear    时间: 2012-10-12 02:35

这个, 必须是很好。

今天完全靠金融撑着。 要是金融完了,牛牛就可以投降了。
作者: cellphone    时间: 2012-10-12 03:08

摩根大通第三季度财报五大看点  2012年10月12日 06:51  新浪财经微博
  新浪财经讯 北京时间10月12日早间消息,对摩根大通(JPM)来说,2012年是喜忧参半的一年。

  这家按资产计算最大的美国银行已经由于华尔街最大的一些丑闻而陷入困境,比如令其蒙受了大约60亿美元损失“伦敦鲸”交易员,这桩丑闻同时还破坏了该行作为银行业中最负责任的几家银行之一的声誉。与此同时,媒体也不象以前那样对一度曾是“刀枪不入”的摩 根大通首席执行官杰米-戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)谀辞如潮。


  华尔街分析师预计,至少在2013年中,摩根大通的营收和利润都将有所增长。财经信息供应商FactSet Research调查显示,在追踪摩根大通的33名分析师中,有22人将其股票评级定为“增持”(Overweight)或“买入”(Buy),仅有两人定为“减持”(Underweight)或“卖 出”(Sell)。



  ——业绩能否超出预期。FactSet Research调查显示,分析师平均预期摩根大通第三季度营收为244亿美元,每股收益为1.21美元,分别同比增长2.8%和18%。尤其是,分析师预计摩根大通第三季度来自于承销业务和市场交易(特别是固定收益、商品和外汇交易业务)业务 的营收将比去年同期有所增长。过去两个季度中,摩根大通业绩均轻松超出分析师预期。

  —— “伦敦鲸”。在发布第二季度财报时,摩根大通称其来自于“伦敦鲸”丑闻的损失为58亿美元,其中部分损失将被计入第三季度。此外,由于“伦敦鲸”事件以及其他和解协议而带来的司法成本也可能会有所增长。第二季度中,摩根大通司法费用环比增长30%。

  ——高管变动。虽然不太可能在周五发布财报时被提及,但需要指出的是,摩根大通在过去几个月时间里对其高管层进行了重大改组。原首席投资官艾娜-德鲁(Ina Drew)已经离职;上周还有报道称,摩根大通首席投资办公室北美分部负责人谢爱琳(Irene Tse)和监管事 务负责人巴里-朱布罗(Barry Zubrow)也将离职;本周四则有报道称,摩根大通首席财务官道格拉斯-布朗斯坦(Douglas Braunstein)很可能在6个月内调任他职。

  ——来自欧元区的风险。跟许多美国公司一样,摩根大通在欧元区的业务规模业务也十分庞大。周三美国科技博客网站Business Insider援引戴蒙的言论称,“如果情况变坏”的话,那么摩根大通欧洲业务可能损失50亿美元。

  ——更多诉讼。摩根大通仍面临着“伦敦鲸”及Libo(伦敦银行间拆借利率))等丑闻事件所带来的麻烦。在10月1日,纽约州总检察官已经针对这家银行提出了一项民事诉讼,称其在出售抵押贷款债券的过程中曾从事覆盖范围广泛的欺诈行为。诉讼称,投资者由于贝尔斯 登在2006年到2007年之间发行的债券而损失了225亿美元,而贝尔斯登已在2008年初被摩根大通收购。周五财报可能提供有关这些诉讼将给摩根大通带来哪些损失的更多细节。(文武/编译)
作者: 6th-sense    时间: 2012-10-12 07:42

回复 3# cellphone

    Will be RED in late today
作者: cellphone    时间: 2012-10-12 09:04

JPM beats,但盘前已经红的,跌0.34
作者: cellphone    时间: 2012-10-12 09:06

WFC 盘前跌 3.35%

Wells Fargo & Company (WFC) -NYSE
35.18 Oct 11, 4:00PM EDT|Pre-Market : 34.00  1.18 (-3.35%) 9:01AM EDT - Nasdaq Real Time Price

Add to Portfolio
作者: cellphone    时间: 2012-10-12 09:08

金融板块估计 blood bath。

作者: 黄老泻    时间: 2012-10-12 09:12

作者: cellphone    时间: 2012-10-12 09:16

JPM 已经开跌至 -1.16%
作者: cellphone    时间: 2012-10-12 09:18

黄老泻 发表于 2012-10-12 08:12

作者: SuanC    时间: 2012-10-12 11:13


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