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标题: [讨论] 关于QE长远效应的讨论 [打印本页]

作者: not4weak    时间: 2012-9-18 20:46     标题: 关于QE长远效应的讨论

本帖最后由 not4weak 于 2012-9-18 21:03 编辑


And again, I'll use my personal situation to illustrate how QE stimulates the economy. I currently have a mortgage with a 4.15% rate, which at the time when I got it was historically low. With this QE round, mortgage rates might go down to the low 3% or even high 2%, which is almost absurd considering the long term CPI is about 3% and likely to go higher after the QE is done. So let's say I get lucky (along with million of other homeowners in this country) and I refinance to get 1% off my current rate. That 1% equates to about $4000 a year or about $335 per month in my pocket. That's money that I will probably end up spending on goods and services along with millions of others that will ultimately stimulate the economy. So anybody who thinks this QE doesn't do much, is simply wrong IMO. This is similar to the Bush administration plan of sending every household a check for couple of hundred dollars back in 2007 but every single month! So if you are looking to refinance or simply have debt with a variable rate, we will have more money to spend thanks to Ben Bernanke.. so now going back to the market, how could something like this be correctly be priced into the stock market? it's impossible to know at this time but the direction is definitely UP. That's why the crash predictions are making a lot less sense now days.. even Robert Prechter from EWI threw in the bear towel, apparently he gave up his cataclysmic theory that the market was going to crash 95% (which has always sounded absurd to me) after shorting the market on leverage from around summer 2009.

大家看看他的分析有没有什么毛病?或者是对的吗? 我觉得理解这个是未来几年投资的关键。主要的问题就是国债和MBS如何影响美国的房屋贷款利率。
作者: not4weak    时间: 2012-9-18 20:46

本帖最后由 not4weak 于 2012-9-18 20:48 编辑

Rates might indeed fall because of money printing. But printed money go first to the bankers who hold MBS that are illiquid and perhaps worthless (and certainly worth less). By chance you might get part of the cake, your 335$ of another filthy inflation-creating money that are not backed by anything valuable. But in the end your 335$ is stolen from people who have savings or don't have a mortgage, those ppl will lose purchasing power because of high oil/energy prices and inflation. And those who get most of the free money will use it to blow bubbles and not to stimulate the economy.
作者: sniffer    时间: 2012-9-18 21:07

作者: not4weak    时间: 2012-9-18 22:07

回复 3# sniffer

我估计最后出现的问题是银行根本没有那么多的MBS ...
作者: aimei    时间: 2012-9-18 22:19

利息省下的钱 可能都要在通货膨胀中没去
不管如何Q1, Q2 是把股市推了上去, 那这次也不好例外, 尤其还有election

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