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标题: [闲谈] folks,I repeat,this is investor's market, grab some cores and hedge with DT [打印本页]

作者: tfmegatron    时间: 2012-4-3 16:53     标题: folks,I repeat,this is investor's market, grab some cores and hedge with DT

本帖最后由 tfmegatron 于 2012-4-3 17:09 编辑

your patience will eventually be paid off, don't jump around like a monkey, keep egg calm like me...
作者: aimei    时间: 2012-4-3 16:57

close my hedge tomorrow?
作者: tfmegatron    时间: 2012-4-3 17:01

本帖最后由 tfmegatron 于 2012-4-3 17:04 编辑
close my hedge tomorrow?
aimei 发表于 2012-4-3 16:57

I don't know how you do DT or hedge, are you hedging stocks with stocks? every stock is a different animal, it's hard to trade so many of them,,, the simplest way is that you build a core with some good stocks, and you DT indices with SPY or ES, this will make your strategy very flexible cuz your DT is not bull or bear biased depending on intraday's maket internals or dynamics, but your core positions are bull biased cus we are in up trend, until trend changes...
作者: aimei    时间: 2012-4-3 17:11

thank millions

图片附件: post with heart.gif (2012-4-3 17:11, 122.33 KB) / 下载次数 25

作者: test2012    时间: 2012-4-3 17:15

主席年轻啊, 一下跳车, 一下又趴车, 老夫只能在车上不敢动啊

回复 1# tfmegatron
作者: tfmegatron    时间: 2012-4-3 17:16

主席年轻啊, 一下跳车, 一下又趴车, 老夫只能在车上不敢动啊

回复  tfmegatron
test2012 发表于 2012-4-3 17:15

作者: 黄道吉日    时间: 2012-4-3 17:19

your patience will eventually be paid off, don't jump around like a monkey me........
作者: tfmegatron    时间: 2012-4-3 17:22

your patience will eventually be paid off, don't jump around like a monkey me........
黄道吉日 发表于 2012-4-3 17:19

作者: 黄道吉日    时间: 2012-4-3 17:24

回复 8# tfmegatron

小宝还是很可爱的。。。朕每天给他念书。。。 ... o=blog&id=20592

作者: test2012    时间: 2012-4-3 21:58

没有, 大部队在共同基金, 今天仍然涨. 今天上了TBT@20.14

回复 6# tfmegatron

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