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标题: [讨论] 希腊骗子倒债的几率 [打印本页]

作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2012-2-10 23:53     标题: 希腊骗子倒债的几率




作者: momowang    时间: 2012-2-11 02:13

我们公司的ceo 今天开会讲2011年的earning. 好像我们公司也在bailout欧洲, 希腊已经680天没有给钱了, 葡萄牙也有300多天了, 可是还是继续要货。我们不给的话, 医院全部关门。
作者: 芹筱蒿    时间: 2012-2-11 03:25

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: Brainteaser    时间: 2012-2-11 10:22

作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2012-2-12 01:17

本帖最后由 何鸿燊 于 2012-2-12 00:20 编辑

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Why would Greece accept more pain when unemployment is at 21 percent, the economy is enduring its fifth year of recession and rioters are hurling gasoline bombs in the streets of Athens?

Because the alternative might be worse.

Greek leaders are gritting their teeth as they move forward with a plan to further slash spending in return for a bailout of about $172 billion from other countries in Europe and around the world. The Greek Parliament is scheduled to vote on the plan Sunday.

Greece is trapped in a lose-lose predicament: It must deepen an austerity plan begun in 2010 that will throw many more people out of work. Or it must default on its debts, abandon Europe's single currency and see its banking system implode.

"The choice we face is one of sacrifice or even greater sacrifice — on a scale that cannot be compared," Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos said.

Here is a closer look at Greece's two bleak options:

—Impose deep spending cuts in exchange for the bailout.

The pros:

Greece needs the bailout to make a $19.1 billion  bond payment due March 20. Prime Minister Lucas Papademos warned that "a disorderly default would cast our country into a catastrophic adventure."

Papademos said the plan would help lift Greece out of recession next year.

In addition to the $172 billion bailout, Greece is negotiating a deal that would reduce the roughly $264 billion in debt it owes private creditors. Under that arrangement, about $132 billion would be shaved off the national debt and Greece would get more favorable repayment terms.

Selling government-owned companies, exposing professionals like architects and pharmacists to more competition and imposing other reforms is designed to make the economy more efficient in the long run.

Even with the austerity plan in place, the International Monetary Fund estimates it will be 2020 by the time Greece can shrink its debt load to a sustainable level.

The cons:

Such austerity can be counterproductive because it can slow the economy and reduce tax revenue.

The government acknowledges that the austerity plan would cause Greece's economy to shrink 4 percent to 5 percent this year. Without it, the government would expect the economy to contract just 2.8 percent. The plan includes lowering the minimum wage by 22 percent and laying off 15,000 government workers this year.

So far, austerity has done nothing to reduce Greece's debt burden. Government debt as a percentage of the economy actually grew after it began imposing austerity — to nearly 160 percent in the July-September quarter of 2011 from 139 percent a year earlier.

"The whole plan was a losing proposition," says Dimitri Papadimitriou, president of the Levy Economics Institute and professor at Bard College.

Austerity is causing widespread hardship and inflaming social tensions. Papdimitriou worries that Greek society is "disintegrating" under the strain: "Poverty has been increasing, homeless rates have been increasing."

So have crime and suicides.

—Default and drop the euro.

The pros:

Defaulting on its debt would ease the immediate strain on Greece's finances and probably cause it to abandon the euro, the currency used by 17 countries.

Dropping the euro would leave Greece with a much cheaper currency, its own drachma. That would juice Greece's economy by making Greek products less expensive around the world. This would give Greek exporters a competitive edge.

In the 1990s, Canada used a weak currency to expand exports and grow its way out of high government debts, says Simon Tilford, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform in London. As long as it's shackled to the euro, Greece lacks that option.

Bernard Baumohl, chief global economist at the Economic Outlook Group, thinks economic and financial pressure will eventually drive Greece to drop the euro.

And he thinks that would be for the best.

"What is worse for Europe — to have this matter linger on and on, with European citizens having to continue to bail out Greece and Portugal? Or to face the reality that these countries should not have joined the euro in the first place?" Baumohl asks.

The cons:

Exiting the euro would throw Greece's banking system into chaos. Lenders would panic over the prospect of being repaid not in euros but in drachmas of dubious value. Adopting a suddenly much weaker currency could also ignite Greek inflation because prices of imported goods would soar.

International investors would be reluctant to lend to Greece's government, its companies or its banks. The freeze-up in credit could cause a depression, worse than what Greece is suffering now. Economists at UBS estimate that Greece's economy would shrink by up to 50 percent if it left the eurozone.

The pain would also likely spread as European banks absorbed losses on their loans to Greece. The worst-case scenario: A disaster akin to what followed Lehman Brothers' collapse in September 2008. Banks grew too fearful to lend to each other. Credit froze worldwide.

Some economists would like to see European governments produce a rescue package that pairs government cuts and reforms with economic aid designed to spur growth in Greece.

"When you have over 20 percent unemployment, you need to do something," Papadimitriou says.

He wants European countries to propose something like the U.S. aid plan that rescued an impoverished Europe after World War II.

"You need something similar to the Marshall Plan," Papadimitriou says.
作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2012-2-13 00:57

陶冬:希臘現變局 最終3月可望度過難關 英倫謀寬鬆 美歐日陸續跟進





本週市場焦點:希臘局勢和歐洲利率。週一,日本第四季度GDP,預計-0.3% vs上期的1.4%。週三日本銀行例會,料政策無改變;同日歐元區第四季度GDP,-0.4% vs 0.2%。週四美國一月新屋動工,675K vs 657K。週五美國CPI,環比0.2% vs 0.0%。

作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2012-2-13 00:59

拆東墻補西墻 希臘失信讓歐盟失望
鉅亨網新聞中心 (來源:財匯資訊,摘自:證券時報) 2012-02-13 03:58:01  







作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2012-2-13 01:00

德財長:承諾緊縮已不夠 希臘需重建競爭力 就算得退出歐元
鉅亨網編譯張正芊 綜合外電  2012-02-13  09:40    

德國財政部長 Wolfgang Schaeuble 周日 (12 日) 嚴詞表示,希臘承諾採取財政緊縮措施,已不足以取信於人,因食言太多次了。他呼籲,希臘這樣宛如「無底洞」的行徑,必須劇烈改變。

Schaeuble 接受德國《世界報 (Die Welt)》訪問時指出,希臘作出的承諾「對我們來說已不夠」;他強調,希臘雖又計畫新一波財政緊縮措施,但必須先貫徹先前通過的緊縮方案,確實節省開支。

Schaeuble 引述民調,指出大部分德國民眾願意協助希臘,「但 (援助) 不能是無底洞,這很重要」;因此希臘最終必須有所節制,因為人們現在開始了解到,無底洞是幫不完的。

Schaeuble 同時對希臘喊話,表示能否留在歐元區,決定權掌握在希臘手上。他強調,希臘必須「做好自己的功課」,重建國家競爭力,才能獲得援助;甚至必須退出歐元區,也在所不惜。

不過 Schaeuble 補充,幾乎沒有人認為希臘會退出歐元區,德國也會盡力阻止發生;但就算發生了,希臘仍舊是歐洲的一部分。

Schaeuble 說,現在看來,援助希臘比 1990 年東西德統一工作更艱難,原因是他們意識到,希臘還有很多人沒了解到必須劇烈改變。
作者: aimei    时间: 2012-2-13 01:54

no more Lehman Brothers

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