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标题: 法国将推「神奇药丸」 吃了头发不再灰白 [打印本页]

作者: rose2005    时间: 2011-10-3 10:01     标题: 法国将推「神奇药丸」 吃了头发不再灰白

本帖最后由 rose2005 于 2011-10-3 10:53 编辑 今日新闻网
2011年10月3日 17:33








New drug stops hair going grey

SCIENTISTS say they have created a wonder pill that stops hair from turning grey.
Experts at beauty firm L'Oreal claim it will keep your barnet the same natural colour forever.

They promise the daily drug will not be expensive — and is totally natural because it uses a fruit extract. Bruno Bernard, head of hair biology at the cosmetics giant, said: "People will take it like a dietary supplement. They need to start using the pill before their hair goes grey."

L'Oreal — which has been developing the drug for more than a decade — say it won't be available until 2015. And it will take ten more years before they can prove it works — because it takes that long for grey hairs to sprout.

The pill contains a fruit extract which mimics a chemical called tyrosinase-related protein 2 or TRP-2. Hair is at its most vigorous from birth to the age of 25 — but from 30-plus TRP-2 begins to wane.


Once-a-day pill means you will never have to go grey

By Andy Dolan

The likes of George Clooney, Phillip Schofield and Helen Mirren make going grey look distinguished, if not downright glamorous.
But whether it’s a sprinkling of salt-and-pepper in your 30s, or a full head of platinum in your 40s or 50s, most of us are not quite ready to embrace the ‘silver fox’ look too early in life.
Now scientists suggest that holding back the process could soon be as easy as popping a vitamin pill.

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They are working on a medication which, when taken daily, could let you hold on to your own naturally-coloured locks as long as possible.
The breakthrough comes after more than a decade of research at the laboratories of cosmetics firm L’Oreal.

The global market for hair colouring is worth an estimated £8billion and the company – the world’s largest in cosmetics and hair care – hopes to become the first to come up with the lucrative anti-grey formula.

Based on a secret fruit extract, the pill would be inexpensive and designed to be used in the same way as a daily dietary supplement.

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  From this to this? L'Oreal's new pill could eradicated the need for laborious and expensive hair dying going forward

Bruno Bernard, head of hair biology at L’Oreal, said: ‘Ideally you would take it for your whole life, but realistically we’d encourage people to start using it before their hair goes grey because we don’t think it can reverse the process once it has started.

‘We have a watertight proof of concept, and we think it will have a market among men as well as women.’
If the formula, which is being developed in secret, is proven to be effective, it could earn the company billions. Between 2008 and last year, there was a 50 per cent increase in the number of men visiting hair salons to dye their hair, a study commissioned by L’Oreal revealed.
In Britain, sales of home hair colouring kits have risen by a third in the past three years. According to market research firm Mintel, more than two-thirds of women colour their hair.

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Sorry George, it's not for you: Scientists say they don't believe their anti-grey pill will work on the likes of Mr Clooney because his hair has already begun the greying process
Grey hairs usually begin to appear after the age of 30, when human hair cells begin to succumb to a process called oxidative stress, which makes  them more susceptible to toxins.

The pill would work by offering protection against this process.
Hair pigment cells die with age due to the lack of a protective enzyme called tyrosinase-related protein 2 (TRP-2), the researchers explained.

Rather than creating a synthetic drug to mimic TRP-2, the scientists instead screened thousands of naturally occurring compounds, and eventually found one in a fruit – which they have not named.
Safety trials are under way, but the product’s mechanism will not be unveiled until the next International Investigative Dermatology meeting in 18 months.
Because going grey can take decades, it could be many years before it is clear how effective the product is.

Des Tobin, professor of cell biology at the University of Bradford’s Centre for Skin Science, and a leading hair expert, said: ‘With people living longer and working longer, they are in the grey zone for longer, and the demand for something like this is huge.
‘It’s not clear if replacing this enzyme really is the answer, but Bernard’s team have a very good knowledge of how the hair follicle works.’

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