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标题: [基础分析] The damage already done by the debt ceiling debate zt [打印本页]

作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2011-7-17 00:59     标题: The damage already done by the debt ceiling debate zt

本帖最后由 何鸿燊 于 2011-7-17 01:01 编辑

Felix Salmon

"The base-case scenario is, still, that the debt ceiling will be raised, somehow.

But already an enormous amount of damage has been done: the US Congress has demonstrated clearly that it can’t be trusted to govern the country in a responsible manner.

And the tail-risk implications for markets are huge.

Think of the speed with which the Egyptian government collapsed earlier this year, or the incredible downward velocity of News Corporation right now.

When you build up large stocks of mistrust and ill will, nothing can happen for a very long time. But when something does happen, it’s much quicker and much worse than anybody could have anticipated.

The markets might not be punishing the US government at the moment. But the mistrust and ill will is there, believe me. And when it appears, it will appear with a vengeance."
作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2011-7-17 01:01

作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2011-7-23 18:09

Debt talks show breakdown in governing

What the country is watching is a breakdown in governing that could be as corrosive to the political system as the possible financial default looming could be to the economy.

Even before Friday’s collapse in the debt talks, public dissatisfaction with Washington was on the rise. The impasse threatens a further deterioration in public confidence.

There is great disagreement in Washington over the meaning of last year’s midterm elections, but it’s almost certain that most Americans did not vote for the kind of paralysis that surrounds the negotiations over the terms of raising the debt ceiling.

Americans voted for, or got, divided government because the public doesn’t fully trust either party with the reins of power. That means the only way out of this problem is through compromise, or what one administration official called “bipartisanship by necessity,” not by choice.

Up until now, enough lawmakers haven’t been ready to accept that in order for a deal to be struck. So the clock ticks.

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