Why the U.S. could use a strategic default
Commentary: A modest proposal on debt: Let the government close
Lenders will learn their lesson
Perhaps the most compelling argument for a strategic default on our federal debt is that it’s not our fault in the first place. China probably holds around $2 trillion in U.S. debt right now — what the heck were they thinking? Clearly we were spending beyond our means, and Asian investors who extended loans to America have no one to blame but themselves.
(翻译: 对美国来说, 赖掉国债是理所当然的, 因为那不是我们的错. 谁让中国贪婪地买了两兆亿的美债呢? 他们在想什么? 美国已经入不敷出, 谁叫你继续借债给美国呢? 除了自己, 这些贪婪的亚洲国家是活该!)
If we learned anything from the subprime-mortgage market and resulting economic crisis, it’s that folks who lend money to irresponsible borrowers deserve what they get. In this 21st-century economy, it’s survival of the fittest.作者: seagal 时间: 2011-7-14 20:49