Inner peace (or peace of mind) refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress. Being "at peace" is considered by many to be healthy (homeostasis) and the opposite of being stressed or anxious. Peace of mind is generally associated with bliss, happiness and contentment.
Peace of mind, serenity, and calmness are descriptions of a disposition free from the effects of stress. In some cultures, inner peace is considered a state of consciousness or enlightenment that may be cultivated by various forms of training, such as prayer, meditation, T'ai Chi Ch'uan or yoga, for example. Many spiritual practices refer to this peace as an experience of knowing oneself. Finding inner peace is often associated with traditions such as Buddhism and Hinduism.
太极,是一种追求宇宙与个体平衡的哲学。正如电影中的领悟这门武术的阿宝。从电影前半段在冒险之路上的焦躁不安,直到最后卸下内心的包袱,稳稳的站在浩淼烟波中的一个小岛上,独自一人面对排山倒海发射而来的钢铁炮弹,用一双血肉之手,化解了“本来要对付功夫的功夫”。孔雀王说“how did u do that?”也许,只有等它心中的结化解开,才能真的明白这个问题的答案。