我看为了SHI MM,mkt也要new high撒,小华你同不同意撒? 股市财经 tfmegatron 2011-3-10 0 / 72 tfmegatron 2011-3-10 14:29
last word:if you don't buy, i don't blame u, if you short, you will get burned 股市财经 tfmegatron 2011-3-10 1 / 98 qingwa 2011-3-10 13:24
today is fake breakdown, no volume at all 股市财经 tfmegatron 2011-3-10 1 / 104 棋王 2011-3-10 13:08
from now on, i will not call when to buy, you figure it out by yourself 股市财经 tfmegatron 2011-3-10 2 / 145 何鸿燊 2011-3-10 12:32
more and more stocks turn green 股市财经 tfmegatron 2011-3-10 1 / 89 西门吹雪 2011-3-10 12:04
在牛市里,MM要吸筹就在这样的日子里,涨的时候买不就跟小三一样了? 股市财经 tfmegatron 2011-3-10 1 / 106 西门吹雪 2011-3-10 12:04
今天收盘: red hollow everywhere,空头不寒而栗 股市财经 tfmegatron 2011-3-10 1 / 118 西门吹雪 2011-3-10 12:03
龙吸水,龙抬头,市场一遍又一遍重复着龙的传人的故事 股市财经 tfmegatron 2011-3-10 0 / 79 tfmegatron 2011-3-10 11:43
from now on, 一个惊天大提拉,就标志着调整结束 股市财经 tfmegatron 2011-3-10 0 / 92 tfmegatron 2011-3-10 11:36
I see accumulation is going on 股市财经 tfmegatron 2011-3-10 2 / 103 西门吹雪 2011-3-10 11:28
买吧,再不买就要绿了,厚厚! 股市财经 tfmegatron 2011-3-10 2 / 87 西门吹雪 2011-3-10 11:28
检验你手上所有的股票,如果比较抗跌的,那么就保留,优胜劣汰撒 股市财经 tfmegatron 2011-3-10 2 / 115 何鸿燊 2011-3-10 11:19
bulls, we will get through this, I promise 股市财经 tfmegatron 2011-3-10 0 / 52 tfmegatron 2011-3-10 11:17