Last time, we detect this bullish signal is last September, at that time, we estimate market will be up to 12000.
Today, the rare bullish signal was detected again.
Market will breac ...
farshine 发表于 2011-3-3 12:03
EK is not good. it is real value is 0.41(base on some analysts) and recommendation is Sell.
Why buy this one? Lots of good stocks.
farshine 发表于 2011-3-3 14:28
for EK:
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Moody's Investors Service on Thursday lowered Eastman Kodak Co.'s /quotes/comstock/13*!ek/quotes/nls/ek (EK 3.22, +0.03, +0.94%) long-term rating to Caa1 from B ...
farshine 发表于 2011-3-3 14:38
EK sales growth is -25%/year. too poor
GPE(Growth to P/E ratio) is -1.85%
Earning Yield is -20.66%
EK has forecasted EPS of $-0.66 per share
farshine 发表于 2011-3-3 15:43
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