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标题: [原创] 埃及事件可能继续升级!人民不答应 [打印本页]

作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-2-1 21:21     标题: 埃及事件可能继续升级!人民不答应

本帖最后由 not4weak 于 2011-2-1 21:31 编辑

The speech was immediately derided by protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square. Watching on a giant TV, protesters booed and waved their shoes over their heads at his image in a sign of contempt. "Go, go, go! We are not leaving until he leaves," they chanted. One man screamed, "He doesn't want to say it, he doesn't want to say it."

In the 10-minute address, the 82-year-old Mubarak appeared somber but spoke firmly and without an air of defeat. He insisted that even if the protests had never happened, he would not have sought a sixth term in September. (否定了游行的作用)

He said he would serve out the rest of his term working "to accomplish the necessary steps for the peaceful transfer of power." He said he will carry out amendments to rules on presidential elections.
作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-2-1 23:26



上周末有至少四个监狱共 8,000名囚犯逃狱,他们都指是狱警打开监仓门,并怂恿他们到处抢掠。开罗民众表示,曾捉拿六名持械抢掠物资的暴徒,在其中一人身上搜出警章,其馀五人说是在警署囚室获释,警员下令他们抢掠。类似的策略,伊拉克前总统侯赛因在 2002年面对美国攻打时都用过,释放 10万囚犯,于美军入侵后大肆抢掠。此外,穆巴拉克也下令军警在开罗酒店拘捕被指煽动民众的卡塔尔半岛电视台六名记者,包括两名英国人。
作者: sweettomato    时间: 2011-2-2 04:12

NND, TG的套路老穆啥时学会的?


「人权 ...
not4weak 发表于 2011-2-1 22:26

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