Agree with a correction, then it should go back up. My target for the year is 1400.
AGA7d 发表于 2011-1-24 11:14
I am too correct late last Aug... This is the first time I see a good sized correction coming since then.
2010-9-8 15:54
ROUBINI是个学究,危机时他是对的(KASS也对),现在不能听 ...
AGA7d 发表于 2011-1-24 12:57
10# AGA7d
""Overextended" is the reason to short, not quite the others. If the Fed continues QE, there will be new high. It is not because of the fantastic economy, but because there are not many p ...
not4weak 发表于 2011-1-24 12:06
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