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标题: [讨论] 为什么发哥看好NVDA? [打印本页]

作者: fa_fa_fa_fa    时间: 2011-1-12 18:12     标题: 为什么发哥看好NVDA?

本帖最后由 fa_fa_fa_fa 于 2011-1-12 17:18 编辑

1. 全世界的手机都要用NVDA的graphic chip;
2. 全世界的手机都可以连接TV,  全世界的大人和小孩都可以打game;
3. 全世界的IPAD/Tablet都要用NVDA的graphic chip;
4. 全世界的IPAD/Tablet都可以连接TV,  全世界的大人和小孩也都可以打game;
5. 全世界的cloud computer的CPU都用NVDA+ARMH的GPU;
6. MSFT的操作系统都Support NVDA+ARMH CPU;

目标: $38.
作者: fa_fa_fa_fa    时间: 2011-1-12 21:18

1. At the CES trade show, Motorola, LG, Dell, Acer, Asus and Toshiba Corp announced or showed smartphones and tablets using Tegra chips.

2. Other companies can't make the same chip, because INTC lose the sue to NVDA, and payed 1.5B license fee to NVDA.

3. If TXN, Brcm want to jump into this graphic market, they have to pay the license fee also,
the good way for they to play in this market is "buyout NVDA"
作者: fa_fa_fa_fa    时间: 2011-1-24 15:00

加仓 NVDA, $38 target no change
作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-1-24 15:22


March 2009 dropped to 76c, now up.

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