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标题: [转贴] 200年世界财寿变化 [打印本页]

作者: Brainteaser    时间: 2010-12-9 18:07     标题: 200年世界财寿变化

本帖最后由 Brainteaser 于 2010-12-9 17:09 编辑

作者: 停车坐爱    时间: 2010-12-9 20:58

本帖最后由 停车坐爱 于 2010-12-9 20:14 编辑

a nice study...有趣的是,健康/寿命的增长并不需要富有程度同等比例的增长,或者说,富有到一定程度(吃穿使用基本够,医疗基本好)就可以使人均寿命差别不大。。。其实人类的平均寿命的大幅度增长,基本是最近100年的事情,之前平均寿命很短的。。。所以,我有个问题一直没搞明白---无论圣经还是中国古代记载,那时的人都寿命很长,几百岁。。。那么,第一,是不是真的呢?第二,如果是真的,那难道先是寿命长,再逐渐变短(东西方书里都说是因为欲望和劳碌慢慢使人的寿命逐渐变短),再然后发展到现代主要由于医疗手段的改善而慢慢增加?。。。
作者: Brainteaser    时间: 2010-12-9 22:06

2# 停车坐爱

作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2010-12-10 01:22

2# 停车坐爱

"Did you know that two-thirds of all the men and women who have ever lived past 65 in the entire history of the world are alive today?" he asks. "Throughout all of history, most people didn't age. They died. So in the 18th century, couples didn't say, 'Gee, what would you like to do in retirement?' Because you'd be dead." The audience is laughing, and Dychtwald builds up speed, smoothly flashing PowerPoint slides with graphs of dramatically increasing life expectancy. "From where I sit," he says, "this longevity revolution will have a bigger impact on people's lives, their money, on the economy, on our families, on work, than either the industrial or technological revolutions of previous centuries."
作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2010-12-10 01:26

Better and longer living population is to the advantage of the USA. Business in USA sell more agricultural and other products to turn world population into fat cats. Then they sell more drugs to make huge sum of money.

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