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和老婆吵架直接跳车,可惜了 杨博主 ZT
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已有 1535 次阅读 2012-11-8 23:27 |个人分类:回忆|系统分类:人物纪事|关键词:北航 清华 佐治亚理工 杨磊
Man killed after jumping from moving vehicle
By Tim Hudson
A 30-year-old Owasso man is dead of injuries sustained in a single vehicle incident in Vera on Sunday.
According to reports from the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, Lei Yang died of head injuries at the scene of the accident.
The incident reportedly occurred around 4:26 p.m. on Washington County Road 3900 between County Road 4010 and County Road 4020 one mile east of Vera.
Reportedly, Yang, a passenger in a westbound 2011 Chevy Traverse, was instructing 31-year-old Shuang Xue how to drive when the two got into a verbal argument, prompting Yang to jump from the moving vehicle.
According to OHP reports, the impact from his hitting the ground caused the injuries that lead to his death.
According to OHP reports, neither Xue nor 2-year-old Vincent Yang, a passenger in the vehicle, were injured.
OHP troopers say there was “no improper action by (the) driver” in the incident.
About 4:25 p.m. Sunday, Yang was instructing Shuang Xue, 31, of Owasso, how to drive when they began arguing. Yang jumped from the sport utility vehicle on a Washington County road near Vera and struck his head on the ground, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol said. Neither Xue nor the other passenger were hurt, troopers said. |