本帖最后由 kindle 于 2012-3-31 13:39 编辑
上周五,成都来的23岁女孩林秦佩(音译)在BEAVER路口被撞死,肇事者是一个四十一岁的来自WALTHAM的美国男子。林在Bentley MSA 读硕士,已经接受国内一家公司的职位。

On Friday, March 16, the Bentley community suffered an immense loss with the death of 23 year old graduate student Qinpei (Vivian) Lin.
“This is such a tragic loss for our community. My heart hurts for this beautiful, bright young woman with her whole life ahead of her; and for her dear family,” said Amanda King, director of sustainability, on Lin’s Facebook memorial page. “Qinpei, we will miss you but I am certain you are bringing joy and light to millions from above. All of our love here at Bentley goes out to you and your family.”
Lin was crossing Beaver Street when she was hit by an oncoming truck. Waltham Police responded to the accident at 3:20 pm to find that the student had suffered serious injuries. According to the Waltham police report, the operator of the truck was a 41 year old male from Waltham, MA. The accident is still under investigation.
“Our hearts go out to Vivian’s family, friends, and colleagues,” President Gloria Larson said. “This is such a tragedy for all those who knew and loved this young woman.” President Larson released a formal statement saying Lin was a “bright, passionate and vibrant young woman.”
Lin was a student from Chengdu, Sichuan, China pursing her master’s degree in accounting in the Bentley MSA program and had accepted a full time position with PWC in China. She had completed her undergraduate studies at Beijing Technology and Business University with a Bachelor of Science degree in International Economics and Trade.
The Assistant Dean of the McCallum Graduate School, George Thompson, first addressed the Bentley community on Friday evening shortly after the accident revealing the impressive accomplishments she achieved throughout her life.
“During her undergraduate experience, she worked at China Merchants Securities and Kalyuan Group,” said Thompson. “Her extracurricular activities included working as the department head of the Accounting Association, vice president of Finance Association, and section leader of the College Chorus.”
There will be a service for Lin on Friday March 23 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the Executive Dining Room of the LaCava Center. In honor of Lin’s religious and cultural beliefs, the Bentley community would like to remind attendees of Chinese and Buddhist customs. The color white is prevalent at funerals, and flowers are sent as a gesture of condolences and support. The Bentley community is committed to honor these traditions in order ensure that the Qinpei’s family feels welcome and comfortable.
Facilities has graciously provided a weeping cherry tree in honor of Qinpei, along with an assortment of flowers, near the Graduate School sign.
“I know many are still struggling to comprehend the sudden loss of such a promising young life. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to her family,” said Larson, “I know many who were close to Vivian and shared classes and friendship with her are also experiencing significant grief and sadness. Our thoughts and prayers are with each one of them as well.”
“It is customary for the color white to be prevalent at funerals, whereas red is traditionally for weddings,” said the Spiritual Life Team and The McCallum Graduate School. “For appropriate dress at the memorial, red should be avoided and dark colors preferred. In lieu of gifts, flowers can be used as a gesture of expressing your condolences and support.”
The administration would like to remind students of the availability of resources to reach out to those who are struggling to deal with this sudden death and tragic loss. The Student Counseling Center, the Spiritual Life Center, the Center for Health and Wellness and the Graduate School offices are all available for grief counseling and help. |