:《中国日报》首次对于民主抗议和大规模静坐事件表示强烈支持,当然针对的肯定不是中国,而是米国这个老拖全球革命后腿的,这次它被指控压制新闻。虽然抗议的新闻也上了纽约时报的头条,但显然这不算数 …… (以上直译,不代表本人观点)
source: http://blogs.ft.com/the-world/20 ... tion/#axzz1Zp6S2Bjr
source: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/opi ... ontent_13823311.htm
China’s delight at Wall Street Revolution
October 4, 2011 9:03 am
by David Pilling

At least one newspaper in China has finally come out in strong support of pro-democracy demonstrations and mass sit-ins. An opinion piece in the official China Daily objected to what it called a “blackout imposed by major news media” of the growing protest movement.
The country being so criticised is not, of course, China.
Rather, it is the US, the latest leg of the global revolution, where news of the Occupy Wall Street movement has allegedly been suppressed.
In an article headlined “US media blackout of protest is shameful” ,the China Daily piece said:
“Why have those journalists, who made their names covering various protests around the world, suddenly become silent in reporting the mass rally? That clearly does not match their enthusiasm to cover demonstrations in recent months in places such as North Africa and the Middle East.”
The protests did make the front page of the New York Times, but perhaps that doesn’t count. (It could be argued, admittedly, that big news organisations took several days to notice the protests.) The China Daily piece offered an explanation:
“It is natural that corporate-controlled media outlets are not going to cover a protest that is fighting excessive corporate influence in society.”
It seems only seems fair, at this point, to link to an article in the FT – surely a capitalist toadie if ever there was one - giving what would appear to be a fairly full account of the censored uprising . In a slightly different take, a group of left-wing academics and activists put out a statement on Utopia, a Maoist website, translated here . In it, they welcomed the Occupy Wall Street Campaign as the intensification of a global revolution:
“The eruption of the ‘Wall Street Revolution’ is an historical indicator that the popular democratic revolution that will soon sweep the world is about to begin.”
The academics said street protests in the US had, until now, been almost exclusively used as a “tool by US elite groups to subvert other countries”. But the anti-Wall Street demonstrations marked a genuine demand for “a democratic country, not a corporate kingdom”.
The academics joined in the denouncement of “violent repression” of protestors and what they called the “virtual blockade of news”. But, unlike the China Daily, they seemed to strike at least a glancing blow at their own government. Protests over growing inequality on behalf of the 99 per cent of downtrodden (against the 1 per cent fat cats) met similar repression in the developed and the developing world, they said:
“The same fate, the same pain, the same problems, the same conflict. Faced with a common enemy in an elite global class that has already linked up, the people of the world have only one option: to unite and in a unified and shared struggle overturn the rule of the capitalist elite.”
Barack Obama, David Cameron and Hu Jintao: you have been warned. |