由于中国市场无底洞般的需求,眼见任何一款酒,只要酒标上写有“Lafite”和象征罗斯柴尔德家族的五箭族徽就仿佛拥有了点石成金的魔力,拉菲集团也坐不住了。为扩大产量,拉菲也不断推出各种品牌的低端产品。目前拉菲在全球拥有42个管理庄园,从这些酒庄里出来的酒也允许标注“五支箭”标志,其中不乏次品。拉菲官方认证的3个低端品牌官方售价不到200元,现在被炒到了每瓶800元左右,被香港人称为“乞丐拉菲”。2008年,拉菲还在山东蓬莱投资兴建了酒庄,很快国人就将喝到Made in china的拉菲。
IMHO, the majority french wines are cheap low-priced lousy wines.
Good french wines are way too relatively expensive (性價比太差), comparing to Napa's, while Napa's wines are relatively too expensive, comparing to Chile or south american's.
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
Talking about pricy wines, those sold in china are really pricy.
I think that people there really don't know what they are drinking.
A friend brought me an high-end 陳年 red wine ... my tasting comment was ... so so. But it was priced so high ... and with that price I could get a 97-98 points wine here.
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠