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[讨论] 大讨论: Shall we abandon FA completely?

我现在越来越不看好FA了, 这些媒体雇佣写手全然给出谎言, 有时候很难辨别, 有时候还好. 基本上我把他们反着读的. 偶尔有几个还真是正着写的, 所以用起来不是很方便.

看来, 正确的方法是找几个绝对的反指, 其他的都不要看了, 还累眼睛.
You just realize that?  Not too late!
回复 2# snowrider
But tomorrow's mkt is hard to see from TA now.
Remember this ... everything is conspiracy, and because of that, they show up on TA in some way.