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本帖最后由 何鸿燊 于 2011-6-3 22:04 编辑

Sino-Forest Plunges as Short Seller Claims Timberland Holdings Overstated
By Matt Walcoff and Nikolaj Gammeltoft - Jun 3, 2011

Sino-Forest Corp. (TRE), whose largest shareholder is hedge fund Paulson & Co., plunged a second day after a short seller said the forestry company overstated timberland holdings and production, an allegation it denied.

It sank 64 percent to C$5.23 at 4 p.m. in Toronto. Sino- Forest fell 21 percent yesterday after Muddy Waters LLC, an investment firm run by Carson C. Block that’s betting against Sino-Forest, said the company is a “fraud.” Sino-Forest has lost more than C$3 billion in market value since June 1.

“The latest reports from Muddy Waters have been unquestioned home runs,” said Eric Jackson, a founding and managing member of Ironfire Capital LLC, a Naples, Florida-based hedge fund. “When he first started a year ago I didn’t think his background was particularly well suited for the job, but he clearly knows China and he has built up a high-quality network of other short sellers and consultants.”

Sino-Forest, based in Hong Kong and Mississauga, Ontario, said in a statement today that it will establish a committee of independent directors to examine the accusations.

“The allegations contained in this report are inaccurate and unfounded,” Allen Chan, Sino-Forest’s chief executive officer, said in a statement. “Muddy Waters’ shock-jock approach is transparently self-interested and we look forward to providing our investors and other stakeholders with additional information to rebut these allegations.”

Sino-Forest’s 6.25 percent bond due in 2017 slid 35 percent to 60 cents on the dollar. The yield doubled to 17 percent.

Land Holdings

Muddy Waters, based in Hong Kong, said the amount of land the company said it bought from Lincang City in China’s Yunnan province doesn’t match city records.

“I find it hard to believe they would ever publish a report like this in such a sensational way without knowing what they’re talking about,” said Daniel L. Bain, who oversees about C$400 million ($408 million) as chief investment officer at Thornmark Asset Management Inc. in Toronto.

Regulators and investors have increased scrutiny of Chinese companies trading in North America. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission began an investigation last year into the use of reverse takeovers, in which a closely held firm becomes public by purchasing a shell company that already trades. The Bloomberg Chinese Reverse Mergers Index of U.S.-listed stocks has fallen 40 percent this year.

Rino, China MediaExpress

Block has made allegations of financial-statement manipulation against Rino International Corp. (RINO) in November and China MediaExpress Holdings Inc. (CCME) in February.

Nine days after Block’s report, Rino, a provider of water treatment systems for steelmakers, said two years of financial statements aren’t reliable. China MediaExpress’s auditor, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, resigned five weeks after Block’s accusations, saying it was “no longer able to rely on the representations of management.” MediaExpress’s chief financial officer resigned later the same month.

C.V. Starr, the investment company owned by former American International Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer Hank Greenberg, was among China MediaExpress’s largest owners together with New York-based hedge fund D.E. Shaw & Co. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc., according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Shareholders in Rino included Julius Baer Group Ltd., Switzerland’s fifth- biggest money manager, and the Colorado Public Employees Retirement Association.


Paulson & Co., John Paulson’s New York-based hedge fund that made $15 billion in 2007 betting against subprime mortgages, owned 34.7 million Sino-Forest shares as of April 29, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Shares of China Forestry Holdings Co., partly owned by Washington-based private equity firm Carlyle Group, have been halted since Jan. 31, when KPMG International identified what the company called “possible irregularities.” On April 29, the company said its former management team faked bank documents.

“What you have right now is the forestry business in China is lucrative but it doesn’t seem like anyone has been able to validate what they own, licenses, or the numbers,” said Jeff Papp, a senior analyst for the $250 million Oberweis China Opportunities in Lisle, Illinois.

To contact the reporters on this story: Matt Walcoff in Toronto at mwalcoff1@bloomberg.net; Nikolaj Gammeltoft in New York at ngammeltoft@bloomberg.net
公開資產文件 反擊作假指控.嘉漢股價回升16%

[2011-06-07] Share
本文關鍵字: 嘉漢股價回升16%


嘉漢林業(Sino-Forest Corp.(TSX代號:TRE)針對誇大其中國林木資產的指控展開反擊,於周一公布了所持資產及在銀行款項的大批文件。


於Muddy Waters Research發表質疑報告之前,該公司股價上周在每股18元水平以上。分析員報告之後,投資者紛紛短線拋售,其股價大跌。但嘉漢林業股價周一又急速反彈。
豐業資本(Scotia Capital)表示正檢討嘉漢林業的評級。


根據Thomson Reuters的調查,分析員平均估計嘉漢林業的季度盈利為每股22仙,收入3.86億元。


嘉漢林業周一還表示,針對指控聘請了獨立律師行,並計劃請求加拿大證券管理機構及其他管理部門調查Muddy Waters的交易。
其在聲明中指出:「本公司相信Muddy Waters的報告不準確、欺騙性及有損名譽。」「Muddy Waters的自身利益顯而易見:促使嘉漢林業股價下跌,並從中賺錢。」
Muddy Waters研究總監布洛克(Carson Block)曾經指嘉漢林業誇大資產,假造銷售交易。

黃金基金表現欠佳 「沽神」基金上月損手6%

[2011-06-07] Share

美國對沖基金5月份表現遜色,位列全球第三大、由「沽神」鮑爾森(John Paulson)管理的90億美元Advangtage Plus對沖基金,也不能獨善其身,上月資產值跌近6%,旗下黃金基金期內損失更超過6%。


根據研究公司Hedge Fund Research初步數據顯示,對沖基金於上月平均損失1.39%;包括鮑爾森基金在內的這類以「事件導向」策略營運的對沖基金,平均損失0.62%。計入5月份的損失,今年以來Advangtage Plus至今損手7.6%。

嘉漢林業傳作假 鮑爾森被捲入浮虧3億

另據新浪財經報道,市場研究公司Muddy Waters Research創始人卡森‧布洛克(Carson Block)聲稱,加拿大上市公司嘉漢林業(TRE.T)操縱了「一場龐氏騙局」。他日前公布的看空研報更令其股價暴跌,這一事件導致從鮑爾森到漢克‧格林伯格(Hank Greenberg)等著名投資者都蒙受了沉重損失。
上周,Muddy Waters Research稱其看空嘉漢林業,此後這家由鮑爾森基金提供支援的林業運營商的股價在兩個交易日中大幅下跌71%。在這一股價大跌事件中,鮑爾森可能損失了3.25億美元。
在2007年曾因看空次級抵押貸款而獲利150億美元的鮑爾森基金則在3日致函投資者稱,截至2日為止,該基金對嘉漢林業的投資在其下屬Advantage and Advantage Plus基金中所佔比例大約為2%。鮑爾森基金稱,該基金正在對Muddy Waters的控訴展開調查。